
Ph.D. Water Resources Science University of Minnesota
St. Paul, MN
B.A. Natural Science Saint John’s University
Collegeville, MN

Peer Reviewed Publications

Published or Accepted for Publication

4 Bohman, B.J., M.J. Culshaw-Maurer, F. Ben Abdallah, C. Giletto, G. Bélanger, F.G. Fernández, Y. Miao, D.J. Mulla, and C.J. Rosen. 2023. Quantifying critical N dilution curves across G × E × M effects for potato using a partially-pooled Bayesian hierarchical method. Eur. J. Agron. 144:126744. doi:10.1016/j.eja.2023.126744
3 Bohman, B.J., C.J. Rosen, and D.J. Mulla. 2021. Relating Nitrogen Use Efficiency to Nitrogen Nutrition Index for Evaluation of Agronomic and Environmental Outcomes in Potato. Field Crops Res. 262:108041. doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2020.108041
2 Bohman, B.J., C.J. Rosen, and D.J. Mulla. 2020. Impact of Variable Rate Nitrogen and Reduced Irrigation Management on Nitrate Leaching for Potato. J. Environ. Qual. 49:281-291. doi:10.2134/jeq2019.05.0209
1 Bohman, B.J., C.J. Rosen, and D.J. Mulla. 2019. Evaluation of Variable Rate Nitrogen and Reduced Irrigation Management for Potato Production. Agron. J. 111:2005-2017. doi:10.2134/agronj2018.09.0566

Non-Peer Reviewed Publications

Journal Articles

1 Bohman B.J., J. Kader, D. Newville, B. Johnson, L. Yetka, and C.E. Jennings. 2018. Groundwater and agriculture: Insights from Farmers in Central Minnesota on How to Protect Both. J. Soil Water Conserv. 73:122A-127A. doi:10.2489/jswc.73.5.122A

Conference Proceedings

1 Bohman, B.J., C.J. Rosen, and D.J. Mulla. 2018. Evaluating Remote Sensing Based Adaptive Nitrogen Management for Potato Production. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, Montreal, Canada. 24 – 27 June. International Society of Precision Agriculture, Monticello, IL.

Dissertations & Theses

2 Bohman B.J. 2021. Investigating Nitrogen and Irrigation Management Strategies to Improve Agronomic and Environmental Outcomes for Potato Production. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.
1 Bohman B.J. 2015. Comparing Nitrogen Loss Predictions from the Adapt-N Model to Measured In-Field Values in Minnesota. B.A. Thesis, Saint John’s University, Collegeville, MN.


8 Rosen, C.J., J. Crants, Bohman, B.J., and M. McNearney. 2021. Effects of Banded Versus Broadcast Application of ESN, Turkey Manure, and Different Approaches to Measuring Plant N Status on Tuber Yield and Quality in Russet Burbank Potatoes. Report, Minnesota Area II Potato Growers Research and Promotion Council and Northern Plains Potato Growers Association, Fargo, ND.
7 Bilotta, J.P., W. Arnold, P. Kang, Y. Seonkyoo, R.N. Shandilya, E. Bresciani, S. Lee, J. Kirk, L. Levers, B.J. Bohman, E. Kirby, A. Runkel, G. Xiang, P. Gassman, A. Valcu-Lisman, and C.E. Jennings. 2021. Banking Groundwater – A Study Examining Aquifer Storage and Recovery for Groundwater Sustainability in Minnesota. Report, Freshwater Society and University of Minnesota Water Resource Center, St. Paul MN.
6 Bohman, B.J., M. McNearney, J. Crants, and C.J. Rosen. 2020. A Novel Approach to Manage Nitrogen Fertilizer for Potato Production using Remote Sensing. Report, Minnesota Area II Potato Growers Research and Promotion Council and Northern Plains Potato Growers Association, Fargo, ND.
5 Jennings, C.J., and B.J. Bohman. 2018. The Water Underground: Implications for agriculture and opportunities for change. Report, Freshwater Society, St. Paul, MN.
4 Bohman, B.J., J. Kader, and L. Yetka. 2018. Groundwater and Agriculture: A report on local solutions to protect both. Report, Freshwater Society, St. Paul, MN.
3 Bohman, B.J., C.J. Rosen, D.J. Mulla, and M. McNearney. 2018. Potato response to adaptive nitrogen and reduced irrigation management in the Minnesota Central Sands. Report, Minnesota Area II Potato Growers Research and Promotion Council and Northern Plains Potato Growers Association, Fargo, ND.
2 Bohman, B.J., C.J. Rosen, D.J. Mulla, and M. McNearney. 2017. Adaptive Nitrogen and Irrigation Management Strategies to Reduce Nitrate Leaching from Russet Burbank Production. Report, Minnesota Area II Potato Growers Research and Promotion Council and Northern Plains Potato Growers Association, Fargo, ND.
1 Jennings, C.J., B.J. Bohman, and P. Knapp. 2016. Changes in the Minnesota River. Report, Freshwater Society, St. Paul, MN.

Other Publications

1 Bohman, B.J. Could this one simple idea be the key to solving farmer-environmentalist conflicts? 2017. Magazine Article, Ensia, St. Paul, MN.


Invited Presentations

1 Bohman, B.J. 2019. Utilizing Remote Sensing to Manage Nitrogen and Optimize Yield. Oral session presented at: Potato Association of America Research Session. Potato Expo, Austin, TX. 9 Jan.
2 Bohman, B.J. 2018. Remote Sensing for Nitrogen Management in Potato. Webinar presented at: Remote Sensing for Potato Production. Spud Smart. Online. 16 May.
3 Bohman, B.J. 2017. Improving Irrigation Scheduling – An Evaluation of Water Balance Calculation Methods for Potato Grown on Sandy Soils in Humid Climates. Seminar presented at: Water Resources Science Departmental Seminar, University of Minnesota. St. Paul, MN. 15 Sept.

Contributed Presentations at Scientific Meetings

23 Bohman, B.J., C.J. Rosen, and D.J. Mulla. 2020. Remote Sensing Based Adaptive Management Strategies to Reduce Nitrate Leaching in Potato Production. Oral session presented at: Use of Remote Sensing and Modeling in Crop Irrigation Management. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meetings, Phoenix, AZ (Virtual). 10 Nov. Paper 127154.
22 Bohman, B.J., and C.J. Rosen. 2020. Utilizing remote sensing to manage nitrogen and optimize yield for potato. Oral session presented at: NPPGA Research Reporting Conference, Grand Forks, ND. 18 Feb.
21 Bohman, B.J., and C.J. Rosen. 2020. Utilizing remote sensing to manage nitrogen and optimize yield for potato. Oral session presented at: Idaho Potato Conference, Pocatello, ID. 23 Jan.
20 Bohman, B.J., T.J. Nigon, C.J. Rosen, and D.J. Mulla. 2020. Utilizing remote sensing to manage nitrogen and optimize yield for potato. Poster session presented at: Potato Association of America Research Session. Potato Expo, Las Vegas, NV. 14 Jan.
19 Bohman, B.J., C.J. Rosen, and D.J. Mulla. 2019. Managing in-Season N Applications Using Remote Sensing and N Nutrition Index for Potato. Oral session presented at: Sensor-Based Nutrient Management for Greater Profitability and Healthier Environment. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meetings, San Antonio, TX. 12 Nov. Paper 237-6.
18 Bohman, B.J., C.J. Rosen, and D.J. Mulla. 2019. Identifying Optimal Nitrogen Use Efficiency for Agronomic and Environmental Outcomes in Potato Using the Nitrogen Nutrition Index. Rapid oral and poster session presented at: Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition – Ph.D. Competition. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meetings, San Antonio, TX. 11 Nov. Paper 98-5.
17 Bohman, B.J., C.J. Rosen, and D.J. Mulla. 2019. Evaluation of Variable Rate Nitrogen and Reduced Irrigation Management on Nitrate Leaching for Potato. Oral session presented at: Extension, Production, & Management Session. Potato Association of America Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, MB. 30 July. Paper 21.
16 Bohman, B.J., T.J. Nigon, C.J. Rosen, and D.J. Mulla. 2019. Utilizing Remote Sensing to Manage Nitrogen and Optimize Yield. Poster session presented at: Potato Association of America Research Session. Potato Expo, Austin, TX. 9 Jan.
15 Nocco, M.A., E.O. McNamee, B.J. Bohman, A. Talib, C.J. Rosen, A.R. Desai, C.C. Kern, C.J. Kucharik, T.E. Twine. 2018. Pine to Potato Conversion Impacts to Groundwater Recharge in the Northern Great Lakes Region. Poster session presented at: Advances in Quantifying Impacts and Extents of Land Use/Land Cover Change in Hydrology I Posters. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington D.C. 10 Dec. Paper H11J-1598.
14 Bohman, B.J., C.J. Rosen, and D.J. Mulla. A Modeled Yield Response to Nitrogen Rate and Climate Variability for Potato. 2018. Oral session presented at: Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition – Ph.D. Competition. ASA and CSSA Annual Meetings, Baltimore, MD. 5 Nov. Paper 45-2.
13 Bohman, B.J. Groundwater and Agriculture: What’s Working and What’s Missing. 2018. Oral session presented at: Agriculture and Groundwater. Minnesota Water Resources Conference. St. Paul, MN. 16 Oct. Paper 1055.
12 Bohman, B.J., C.J. Rosen, and D.J. Mulla. 2018. Combining Remote Sensing and the Nitrogen Nutrition Index for Potato in the Upper Midwest. Oral session presented at: Extension, Production and Management. Potato Association of America Annual Meeting, Boise, ID. 23 July. Paper 22.
11 Bohman, B.J., C.J. Rosen, and D.J. Mulla. 2018. Evaluating Remote-Sensing based Adaptive Nitrogen Management for Potato Production. Oral session presented at: In-Season Nitrogen Management. International Conference on Precision Agriculture, Montreal, QC. 25 June. Paper 5198.
10 Bohman, B.J. Groundwater and Agriculture: What’s Working and What’s Missing. 2018. Lightning oral session presented at: Minnesota Groundwater Association. St. Paul, MN. 26 April.
9 Bohman, B.J., C.J. Rosen, and D.J. Mulla. 2017. Improving Nitrogen and Irrigation Management for Potato Production in Central Minnesota. Poster session presented at: Potato Remote Sensing Conference, Madison, WI. 14 Nov.
8 Rosen, C.J., D.J. Mulla, and B.J. Bohman. 2017. Remote Sensing as a Tool to Manage Nitrogen for Irrigated Potato Production. Oral session. Potato Remote Sensing Conference, Madison, WI. 14 Nov.
7 Bohman, B.J., C.J. Rosen, and D.J. Mulla. 2017. Variable Rate Nitrogen and Reduced Irrigation for Potato Production in Minnesota. Oral session presented at: Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition – Ph.D. Competition. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meetings, Tampa, FL. 23 Oct. Paper 35-8.
6 Nigon, T.J., B.J. Bohman, C.J. Rosen, and D.J. Mulla. 2017. Utilizing Remote Sensing for Variable-Rate Nitrogen and Irrigation Management in Potato. Oral session presented at: Agricultural Remote Sensing General. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meetings, Tampa, FL. 23 Oct. Paper 49-3.
5 Bohman, B.J., T.J. Nigon, C.J. Rosen, and D.J. Mulla. 2017. Comparison of Methods to Calculate Nitrate Leaching Load on Sandy Soils. Oral session presented at: Nutrient Source Control at the Farm, Field, and Watershed Scales. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meetings, Tampa, FL. 25 Oct. Paper 365-12.
4 Bohman, B.J., C.J. Rosen, and D.J. Mulla. 2017. Improving Nitrogen and Irrigation Management for Potato Production in Central Minnesota. Poster session. Minnesota Water Resources Conference, St. Paul, MN. 16 Oct. Paper 4.
3 Bohman, B.J., C.J. Rosen, and D.J. Mulla. 2017. Adaptive Nitrogen and Irrigation Management Strategies to Reduce Nitrate Leaching from Potato Production. Oral session presented at: Extension, Production and Management. Potato Association of America Annual Meetings, Fargo, ND. 25 July. Paper 31.
2 Bohman, B.J., C.J. Rosen, and D.J. Mulla. 2016. Evaluating Nitrogen Stress and Yield Impacts from Variable-Rate Nitrogen Applications for Potatoes. Poster session presented at: Soil and Water Management and Conservation. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meetings, Phoenix, AZ. 9 Nov. Paper 462-605.
1 Bohman, B.J., and J.O. Storlien. 2015. Simulating Nitrogen Losses from Minnesota Discovery Farms with Adapt-N. Poster session presented at: Undergraduate Research Symposium Contest. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meetings, Minneapolis, MN. 15–18 Nov. Paper 119-39.


Patent Applications

2 Nigon, T.J., and B.J. Bohman. 2022. Spatio‐Temporal Feature Engineering System and Method for Machine Learning in Precision Agriculture. U.S. Patent Application No. 17/808315, Filed 23 June.
1 Rosen, C.J., B.J. Bohman, D.J. Mulla, and Y. Miao. 2019. Method to Predict Crop Nitrogen Status Using Remote Sensing. U.S. Patent Application No. 16/514,537, Filed 17 July.

Awards and Honors

2019 First Place, Ph.D. Oral Presentation Competition. SSSA – Soil Fertility, Plant Nutrition and Soil/Plant Analysis Division, ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meetings.
2019 Second Place, Oral Presentation Competition. ASA – Sensor Based Nutrient Management Community, ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meetings.
2019 Fifth Place, Graduate Student Competition. Potato Association of America Annual Meeting.
2018 First Place, Ph.D. Oral Presentation Competition. ASA – Soil Fertility, Plant Nutrition and Soil/Plant Analysis Division, ASA and CSSA Annual Meetings.
2018 Outstanding Graduate Student Award. 14th International Conference on Precision Agriculture.
2018 First Place, Three Minute Thesis Competition. Water Resource Science program, University of Minnesota.
2017 First Place, Oral Presentation Competition. ASA – Nutrients and Environmental Quality Community, ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meetings.
2017 Fourth Place, Ph.D. Oral Presentation Competition. SSSA – Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition Division, ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meetings.
2015 Second Place, Undergraduate Poster Competition. SASES Division, ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meetings.
2014 Phi Beta Kappa. Theta of Minnesota, Saint John’s University

Grants and Fellowships

2019 Small Business Technology Transfer Program Phase I – National Science Foundation. A Novel Approach to Manage Nitrogen Fertilizer for Potato Production using Remote Sensing (Award #1913435) [$245,000]
2018 Tessman Fellowship. Department of Horticulture, University of Minnesota [$2,500]
2017 MnDRIVE Global Food Ventures Fellowship. College of Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resource Science, University of Minnesota [$30,000]
2017 Institute on the Environment Mini-Grant. Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota. Re-thinking how we collaborate to solve our water quality and supply challenges. [$3,000]

Professional Experience

Research Experience

2015 2021 Research Assistant. Department of Soil, Water, and Climate, University of Minnesota – St. Paul, MN.

Work Experience

2023 Present Director, Product Strategy. Sentera, Inc. – St. Paul, MN
2021 2022 Solutions Engineer. Sentera, Inc. – St. Paul, MN
2018 2021 Founder/CEO. Insight Sensing Corporation – St. Paul, MN
2016 2020 Research and Policy Fellow. Freshwater Society – St. Paul, MN

Teaching Experience

Spring 2018 Teaching Assistant. SOIL 3416: Plant Nutrients in the Environment, University of Minnesota
Spring 2018 Instructor. Water – Managing our Shared Resource (Course 20093), Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, University of Minnesota